• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yuriiquevedoot5sc3
  • hace 8 años

¡Encuentra el error! Subráyela y escriba la oración correcta.

a. When I`m older I`ll to live in a big house.

b. I won´t to have more than two children.

c. My sister will living in another country.

d. One day, people will to be able to talk to animals!

e. We willn´t need to sleep in the future.


Respuesta dada por: Ainhi


a. When I'm older I'll live in a big house.

b. I won't have more thn two children.

c. My sister will be living in anorher country.

d. One day, people will be able to talk to animals!

e. We will need to sleep in the future.

Respuesta dada por: jissel1881


When I’m older I’ll live in a big house.

I won’t have more than two children.

My sister will live in another country.

One day, people will be able to talk to animals!

We won’t need to sleep in the future

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