El primer verbo en negritas esta en presente y el segundo, después de la diagonal en pasado. Se conjugan de manera fácil, solo colocas el pronombre (I, YOU, SHE, HE, etc) y después el verbo que deseas colocar; lo mismo para ambos, en presente o pasado. Te daré unos ejemplos fáciles:
Peinar: To brush.
I brush/brushed my hair
You brush/brushed your hair
He brushes/brushed his hair
She brushes/brushed her hair
It brushes/brushed its hair
We brush/brushed our hair
They brush/brushed their hair.
Conducir: To drive.
I drive/drove my car
You drive/drove your car.
He drives/drove his car
She drives/drove her car
It drives/drove its car
We drive/drove our car
They drive/drove their car.
Caminar: To walk
I walk/walked my dog
You walk/walked your dog
He walks/walked his dog
She walks/walked her dog
It walks/walked its dog
We walk/walked our dog
They walk/walked their dog
Ir: To go
I go/went to the store
You go/went to the store
He goes/went to the store
She goes/went to the store
It goes/went to the store
We go/went to the store
They go/went to the store
Dar: To give
I give/gave this to you
You give/gave this to me
He gives/gave this to me
She gives/gave this to me
It gives/gave this to me
We give/gave this to me
They give/gave this to me
NOTA: Recuerda que dependiendo del pronombre agregas una s al verbo.
SI es SINGULAR = Agregas una S. (HE, SHE, IT)
SI es PLURAL = Dejas el verbo tal y como esta. (I, YOU, WE, THEY)
"I" No es plural pero no se le coloca una s al verbo despues del I.