• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nicolec1472
  • hace 8 años

Necesito una biografía sobre alguien inteligente tipo Isaac newton o alguien así EN INGLÉS, que sea corta no más de 120 palabras grax


Respuesta dada por: VURIBEQU


Albert Einstein was a German mathematician and physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. In the following decade, he immigrated to the U.S. after being targeted by the German Nazi Party.

His work also had a major impact on the development of atomic energy. In his later years, Einstein focused on unified field theory. With his passion for inquiry, Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century.




Albert Einstein


March 14, 1879


April 18, 1955


Einstein was asked to be the president of Israel, but he declined: After Chaim Weizmann, Israel's first president, died in 1952, the country's prime minister offered the job to Einstein.


Einstein died after refusing surgery, saying, "I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly."


Einstein was a member of the NAACP, drawing correlations between blacks in America and Jews in Germany. He believed racism was a disease.


Eidgenössische Polytechnische Schule (Swiss Federal Polytechnic School), Luitpold Gymnasium


Ulm, Württemberg, Germany


Princeton, New Jersey

Respuesta dada por: laylani500





albert einstein nacio el 14 de marzo de 1875 en princeton, estados unidos. y fallecio el 18 de abril de 1955. este fue un fisico aleman de origen judio. a este se le considera como el cientifico mas importante y popular del siglo XX.

En 1905, cuando era un joven físico desconocido, empleado en la Oficina de Patentes de Berna, publicó su teoría de la relatividad especial. En ella incorporó, en un marco teórico simple fundamentado en postulados físicos sencillos, conceptos y fenómenos estudiados antes por Henri Poincaré y por Hendrik Lorentz. Como una consecuencia lógica de esta teoría, dedujo la ecuación de la física más conocida a nivel popular: la equivalencia masa-energía, E=mc². Ese año publicó otros trabajos que sentarían algunas de las bases de la física estadística y de la mecánica cuántica.

El pequeño Albert, creció motivado entre las investigaciones que se realizaban en el taller y todos los aparatos que allí había. Además, su tío incentivó sus inquietudes científicas proporcionándole libros de ciencia. Según relata el propio Einstein en su autobiografía, de la lectura de estos libros de divulgación científica nacería un constante cuestionamiento de las afirmaciones de la religión; un librepensamiento decidido que fue asociado a otras formas de rechazo hacia el Estado y la autoridad. Un escepticismo poco común en aquella época, a decir del propio Einstein. El colegio no lo motivaba, y aunque era excelente en matemáticas y física, no se interesaba por las demás asignaturas. A los quince años, sin tutor ni guía, emprendió el estudio del cálculo infinitesimal. La idea, claramente infundada, de que era un mal estudiante proviene de los primeros biógrafos que escribieron sobre Einstein, que confundieron el sistema de calificación escolar de Suiza (un 6 en Suiza es la mejor calificación) con el alemán (un 6 es la peor nota).18​En este "Erziehungsrat" aparece con nota 6 en todas las asignaturas: Álgebra, Física, Geometría, Geometría Analítica y Trigonometría.



Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1875 in Princeton, United States. and died on April 18, 1955. This was a German physicist of Jewish origin. This is considered the most important and popular scientist of the twentieth century.

In 1905, when he was a young unknown physicist, employed at the Bern Patent Office, he published his theory of special relativity. It incorporated, in a simple theoretical framework based on simple physical postulates, concepts and phenomena studied before by Henri Poincaré and Hendrik Lorentz. As a logical consequence of this theory, he deduced the equation of physics best known at the popular level: mass-energy equivalence, E = mc². That year he published other works that would lay some of the foundations of statistical physics and quantum mechanics.

Little Albert, grew motivated between the investigations that were carried out in the workshop and all the devices that were there. In addition, his uncle encouraged his scientific concerns by providing him with science books. According to Einstein himself in his autobiography, a constant questioning of the claims of religion would be born from the reading of these books of scientific dissemination; a free thought that was associated with other forms of rejection of the State and authority. A rare skepticism at that time, according to Einstein himself. The school did not motivate him, and although he was excellent in mathematics and physics, he was not interested in the other subjects. At fifteen, without a tutor or guide, he undertook the study of infinitesimal calculus. The idea, clearly unfounded, that he was a bad student comes from the first biographers who wrote about Einstein, who confused Switzerland's school grade system (a 6 in Switzerland is the best grade) with German (a 6 is the worst note) .18 In this "Erziehungsrat" appears with note 6 in all subjects: Algebra, Physics, Geometry, Analytical Geometry and Trigonometry.

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