• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sneydersuarez06
  • hace 8 años

porfa ayuda con ejercicios de ingles de present perfect



Respuesta dada por: CashMont


El presente perfecto es aquel que utilizamos para narrar un hecho del pasado, el cual sigue teniendo relevancia en el presente. Su estructura es de la siguiente manera:

Suj + have/has + verbo en pasado participio + complement. Ej:

I have written this book since I was 15 years old.

He estado escribiendo este libro desde que tenia 15 años.

Teniendo en cuenta esto, desarrollaremos tu tarea.

1. I met Barbara when....We have known each other for over twenty years.

2. We have learnt many new words since we started this course.

3. That's a wonderful movie. I have seen it three times.

4. Mr. and Mrs have been married  for 10 years old.

5. You're late! The class have already began.

6. Robert is my neighborhood. He has lived next door to me...

7. Mary has eaten in that restaurant several times. (El complemento de esta oración, en la imagen se encuentra en la 8)

8. We have written several letters to her parents...

9. Our teacher have given us a lot of help...

10. She has spoken to her landlor many times since...

11. We have a new camera. We have taken some beautiful pictures...

12. They have done all the homework already.

13. Mrs. Baxter has bought all her groceries for the weekend.

14. Tommy has had a bad cold for two weeks.

15. Frank has worked for that company for many years.

16. After three months of looking. She has found a beautiful appartment to live.

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