• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: susybieber3
  • hace 8 años

Necesito Ayuda

Escribe el verbo en paréntesis en la forma correcta. Sustituye la línea por tu respuesta escrita con MAYÚSCULAS.

1 You will be happy if you ___________________ for your exams. (to study)
2 We ___________________ if the weather's good. (to go)
3 They ___________________ you if you wear dark glasses. (not /to recognize)
4 If the bus ___________________ on time, we won't miss the football game. (to be)
5 If you ___________________ your homework now, you'll be free all day tomorrow. (to do)
6 We___________________ out, if mom doesn’t cook. (to eat)
7 You'll find life much easier if you ___________________ more often. (to smile)
8 If it is hot, we___________________ to the lake. (to go)
9 You'll do it better in mathematics, if you ________________ more. (to study)
10 If she ___________________ practicing her violin, she will be the best violinist. (to keep)


Escribe el verbo en paréntesis en la forma correcta. Sustituye la línea por tu respuesta escrita con MAYÚSCULAS.

1. If the company offered me the job, I think I __________ (take) it
2. Many people would be out of work, if that factory ______ (close) down.
3. If she sold her car, she __________ (not / get) much money for it.
4. They're expecting us. They would be disappointed if we_______ (not / come).
5. Would George be angry if I _________ (take) his bicycle without asking?
6. Ann gave me this ring. She _____________ (be) terribly upset if I lost it.
7. If someone ________________ (walk) in here with a gun, I'd be frightened.
8. What would happen if you ____________ (not / go) to work tomorrow?
9. I'm sure she ______________ (understand) if you explained the situation to her.
10. I _________ (give) you a chewing gum, if I had one, but I'm sorry, I don't.


Respuesta dada por: willgreenday1710


Future real

1. Study

2. Will go

3. Will not recognize / won't recognize

4. Is

5. Do

6. Will eat

7. Smile

8. Will go

9. Study

10. Keeps

Present unreal:

1. Would take

2. Closed

3. Would not get /wouldn't get

4. Did not come / didn't come

5. Took

6. Would be

7. Walked

8. Didn't go

9. Would understand

10. Would give


No sé si esos son los tiempos verbales que necesitas, pero son los únicos que se me ocurren para completar esas frases

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