• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: JuanJuan12345
  • hace 8 años

transforma en oraciones negativas Rahul cycles to work every day
the shop closes at 7 o'clock
ayaan eats vegetales
anika watches punjabi
you help your parents
amar work at the pub
Tom makes his ved
my sister plays the drums
the clock strikes ten


Respuesta dada por: dobleja

A continuación transformaré todas las oraciones dadas en negativas (en ingles:

  • Rahul doesn’t cycle to work every day
  • The shop doesn’t close at 7 o’clock
  • Ayaan doesn’t eat vegetables
  • Anika doesn’t watch punjabi
  • You don’t help your parents
  • Amar doesn’t work at the pub
  • Tom doesn’t make his bed
  • My sister doesn’t play the drums
  • The clock doesn’t strike ten

Para poder entender esto debemos saber que el negativo del auxiliar do es don't y el negativo del auxiliar does es doesn't.

Ver mas en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/13496822

Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

El verbo "don't, doesn't" es un verbo auxiliar que se utiliza oraciones negativas (negative sentences) que no presentan el verbo to be.

Don't y doesn't son la contracción de do not y does not. Y se colocan entre el sujeto y el verbo principal de la oración

Se utiliza don't para primera persona (I, you, we, they) y doesn't para tercera persona (he, she, it).

1.- Rahul cycles to work every day.

  • Rahul doesn't cycle to work every day

2.- The shop closes at 7 o'clock

  • The shop doesn't close at 7 o'clock

3.- Ayaan eats vegetables.

  • Ayaan doesn't eat vegetables

4.- Anika watches punjabi films.

  • Anika doesn't watch punjabi films.

5.- You help your parents.

  • You don't help your parents.

6.- Amar works at the pubs.

  • Amar doesn't work at the pubs.

7.- Tom makes his bed

  • Tom doesn't make his bed

8.- My sister plays the drums.

  • My sister doesn't play the drums.

9.- The clock strikes ten.

  • The clock doesn't strike ten.

Ver más brainly.lat/tarea/329896

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