• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pishigato108
  • hace 8 años



Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


I was just arriving home from work when the telephone rang. While I was walking to the dining room, where I left the telephone in the morning, I was thinking that perhaps something disagreable was happening. But what?...I answered with some fear:- Hello!.... A rough voice asked if I were Jerry Collins. -Yes, sir-- answered me. - Well, Mr. Jerry, I'm two miles from your home now. I'm a policeman. Sorry, Jerry, but I was driving to Denver and suddenly a dog came directly to my car and I couldn't avoid to crash it. A woman who was standing near the place of the accident came to me and told that this animal is yours.-Oh, no!- claimed I almost without voice- My dear Melvin!- And in a whisper I asked- Is it breathing. - Yes, man! Don't worry! It was lying on the route and I called the vet.

The dog was carried in a hurry to the vet clinic where it was recieving the best attention when I decided calling you. You both have been lucky.

While I was hearing the policeman, life seemed to get back to me. I get on my car and while I was driving to the clinic was giving thanks to Go, because my beloved Melvin was alive.


espero que te sirva, si ese no es el caso no dudes en decirmelo.

pishigato108: Por favor ese cuento ya me lo han dicho necesito otro
Anónimo: emmm ok voy rápidisimo
Anónimo: no me deja editar la respuesta, te lo mando en comentarios
Anónimo: -Mitch's Trouble.
Mitch was always driving his motorcycle too fast. Yesterday after work, Mitch was driving his motorcycle home. While everyone else was driving slowly, he was speeding through the streets. He wasn't paying attention and was driving too fast when he saw the police officer. 
Anónimo: While the police officer was directing traffic, he saw Mitch speeding down the street. He was waving his arms when Mitch stopped. The police officer wrote him a traffic ticket for speeding. Mitch was not feeling happy when he arrived home.
Anónimo: aqui tienes te sirve?
Anónimo: si este ya te lo han dicho tambien o algo asi dimelo
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