• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nohemi098moon
  • hace 8 años

5 oraciones con there isn’t


Respuesta dada por: gilbertchapid


esta es la respuesta

Explicación:There isn't a police station next to the supermarket. ...

There isn't someone at the door. ...

There isn't two bedrooms available. ...

There aren't nine days in a week. ...

There aren't five seasons in a year. ...

Respuesta dada por: bonoiisrealnena

There isnt a Ball in the garden

There isnt a flower in my hair

There isnt a Book on the floor

There isnt a person in the bathroom

There isnt a Bat in the room

There isnt a pencil in my pencil case

There isnt a cookie in the flask

There isnt a Bag in the closet

There isnt a mirar in the hall

There isnt a tv in my bedroom

Espero que te sirva :3

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