• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: daniela200a
  • hace 8 años

Escribir la respuesta correcta en el espacio.

1) If it (will rain/rains)

tomorrow, we (will stay/stay)

at home.

2) If Mary (will get/gets)

to work early, she (will have/has)

time to finish the report.

3) Small shops (will close/close)

if so many people (will go/go)

to hypermarkets.

4) We (will visit/visit)

the new museum if it (will not rain/does not rain)


5) If you (will take/take)

the top off, you (will get/get)

the water out.

6) If you (will walk/walk)

down this street, you (will find/find)

the post office.

7) The paella (will not burn/does not burn)

if you (will turn down/turn down)

the heat.

8) If we (will leave/leave)

now, we (will be/are)

home in time to see the football match.

9) If Mary (will not like/does not like)

the present, John (will buy/buys)

something different.

10) My daughter (will finish/finishes)

university by 2017 if she (will start/starts)

this year.


Respuesta dada por: aiudaa03

1. If it RAINS tomorrow, we WILL STAY at home.

2. If Mary GETS to work early, she WILL HAVE time to finish the report.

3. Small shops WILL CLOSE if so many people GO to hypermarkerts.

4. We WILL VISIT the new museum if it DOES NOT RAIN.

5. If you TAKE the top off, you WILL GET the water out.

6. If you WALK down this street, you WILL FIND the post office.

7. The paella WILL NOT BURN if you TURN DOWN the heat.

8. If we LEAVE now, we WILL BE home in time to see the football match.

9. If Mary DOES NOT LIKE the present, John WILL BUY something different.

10. My daughter WILL FINISH university by 2017 if she STARTS this year.

Respuesta dada por: gvsuarez3


1) rains - 'll stay/will stay

2) gets - 'll have/will stay

3) 'll close/will close - go

4) 'll visit/will visit - doesn't rain

5) take - 'll get/will get

6) walk - 'll find/will find

7) won't burn/will not burn - turn down

8) leave - 'll be/will be

9) doesn't like/does not like - will buy

10) will finish - starts


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