• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: TAMARA12344
  • hace 8 años

ayuda por favor me podrian decir que va en cada espacio



Respuesta dada por: mariajo2819



my mother hasn't got a brother but she has got a sister

2 i have got a good house

3 peter hasn't got books because he has got many DVDs

4 you haven't got a dog because you have got a cat

5 i haven't got British postcards

6 susan and david have got two children

7 he hasn't got many books but his sister has got

8 my grandparents haven't got any daughters. they have got three sons

TAMARA12344: gracias
TAMARA12344: eso era personal
TAMARA12344: si
TAMARA12344: o}
TAMARA12344: no
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