• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: DarnedSpark
  • hace 8 años

6. Unscramble the words to write complete sentences. Then underline the comparativelnoun combination.
1. and / sister / always / older / Dad / argue / Mom / with / my
my sister alwags argue with
2.1 / shoes / bought / my l as / younger / a / brother, present / some / for
3. cheaper / My / had / shoes / to / buy / cousin / this / year / school
4. are / smaller / to/next/live/ going / in /a/ year / We / house
5. flunked / because / had /They/to/ take / easier /an/ course / they​


Respuesta dada por: jbsolerpriess

Respuesta:1_ Mum and dad always argue with my older sister.



Respuesta dada por: blabla763
1- mom and dad always argue with my older sister
2-I bought some shoes as a present for my younger brother
3-this school year my cousin had to buy cheaper shoes
4-next year we are going to live in a smaller house
5-they had to take an easier course because they flunked
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