• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 8 años

ME AYUDAN rellenando cada linea miauuuuuuuuuuu

Fill in the gaps with the type 1 conditional sentences. If you _________ (squeeze) an orange, you ___________ (get) orange juice. You _______ (put) on some more weight if you _______ (eat) too much sugar. If I ________ (study) a lot, I ________ (pass) the year. If my computer __________ (function) properly, I __________ (use) it more often, but it always crashes! If they ________ (know) more vocabulary, they______(be) able to understand more easily. If you __________ (press) that button, the machine _________ (stop) functioning. You __________ (be) healthier if you __________ (eat) less red meat, but you eat meat every day! If you __________ (wash) the dishes today, I __________ (dust) the house. If my parents __________ (be) rich, I __________ (not / need) to work so much. What __________ (happen) if I _________ (press) this button? If there ___ (not / be) enough water in the next few years, many people ___ (die). If we __________ (not / recycle), we __________ (put) our own life at risk. If you _____ (touch) the dog, it ______ (bite) you. Don’t get so close! Students _________ (get) good marks if they ________ (study) regularly, but they never do! If I __________ (be) you, I ___________ (study) for the final exam. If Sara ___________ (have) a good handwriting, I could understand her texts! If you __________ (not / apologise), she ___________ (not / forgive) you. If we __________ (eat) more vegetables, our body __________ (be) healthier. If you ________ (tidy) up your bedroom every day, it ________ (not / be) in a mess. I __________ (not / do) the chores myself if I __________ (have) more money. We could stay in Tom’s house, if he ___________ (live) in a big house.





1. squeeze

2. will get

3. will put

4. eat

5. study

6. will pass

7. Function

8. will use

9. know

10. will be

DUBERCRISTOBALLANOCO: mira si esta el if primero usa el verbo en forma base y si el if esta después de la primera palabra colocale will. por ejemplo IF I EAT MUCH SUGAR I WILL GET A STOMACHACHE y si el if esta despues I WILL GET MONEY IF I WORK
Anónimo: a listo gracias me salvaste la vida literalmente XD
Anónimo: :)
DUBERCRISTOBALLANOCO: tranquilo fue un gusto
Anónimo: oye
Anónimo: me falta un ultimo voy a preguntarlo pendiente
DUBERCRISTOBALLANOCO: ok. No te olvides si el vervo tiene un sujeto she, he, it se le agrega s y en caso de se ser negativo doesnt
Anónimo: OKKK...
Anónimo: eso esta incomnpleoto ...
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