• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: erikavalenfer
  • hace 8 años

sacar una lectura donde este las diferentes clases de pronombres sacar una lista y decir su clase​


Respuesta dada por: eliana95

Respuesta: The fortune teller moved her dry, shriveled hands over the glass ball that she had bought at a dollar store a long time ago. She could hear the laughter and the occasional shouts of the children as they ran outside from ride to ride and from tent to tent. They never came in to see her. Instead it was always the face of a laid-off dock worker or a romantic teenager that peered through the entrance way of her tent. The unemployed dock workers wanted to hear about winning lottery tickets and new job opportunities. The teenagers were eager to hear this stories about far away places and dark, mysterious strangers. And so the fortune teller always told them what they wanted to hear. She liked giving them something to dream about. She tried to fill their minds with great expectations. Just then, a young man appeared in the entrance way. He was nervous, and his smile was timid. He shuffled into the dark tent, his head full of dreams and yet, at the same time, innocently empty. The fortune teller took his trembling hands into her own hands and peered at the revealing lines etched on his palms. Then, slowly, in her cracked, ancient voice, she began to speak of new job opportunities, far away places, and dark, mysterious strangers.

Pd: Hay más,pero la mayoría se repite y es un poco díficil encontrarlos porque hay muchos.Aquí abajo te puse las clases para que te puedas guiar.


Personal pronouns (he, they)

Demonstrative pronouns (., this, these)

Interrogative pronouns ( which, who)

Indefinite pronouns ( none, several)

Possessive pronouns ( his, your)

Reciprocal pronouns ( each other, one another)

Relative pronouns ( which, where)

Reflexive pronouns (itself, himself)

Intensive pronouns ( itself, himself)

erikavalenfer: gracias enserio me ayudaste demasiadoo
eliana95: De nada ;3
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