• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariapj1703
  • hace 8 años

4 Write sentences using the words given. Use the Present
Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple, Past Simple, Future
Simple or be going to Make any necessary changes.

1. No, thanks. I/ already have / lunch/.
2. How wonderful! Laura and Tom / get married /
next spring /
3. How rude! they / eat / some birthday cake / before /
party/ start/
4. I'm not sure. maybe/l/buy/ a red shirt/ .
5. Where's my bag? someone / steal/it/?
6. Helen worked all summer, she / buy / car / after/ she/
save / enough money/.
7. I'm sorry. 1/ not do/it/ again/.
8. That's strange. they / not answer / their phone/
all day / .



Respuesta dada por: claudiasanchez65


1. No, thanks. I already have lunch.

2. How wonderful! Laura and Tom will get married next spring

3. How rude! they were eating some birthday cake before party starts

4. I'm not sure. I maybe buy a red shirt .

5. Where's my bag? Did someone steal it?

6. Helen worked all summer, she could buy a car after she saves enough money

7. I'm sorry. I don't do it again.

8. That's strange. They didn't answer their phone all day .


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