• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: estudiante2384
  • hace 8 años

Holaa me pueden ayudar por favor, muchas gracias por su tiempo.
Change the sentence to simple past of the verb to be (Negative) The stamps are in the desk. (No es traducir)


Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

Change the sentence to simple past of the verb to be (Negative) The stamps are in the desk. (No es traducir)

Respuesta: The stamps were not in the desk

Explicación: The subject in this sentence is "The stamps", that is a plural noun, so the verb must be conjugated in this form.

Simple past in the plural, verb to be  ↪ were

Negative form ↪ were not

Los sellos no estaban en el escritorio.

\textit{\textbf{Michael Spymore1}}

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