Tal vez sea mucho, pero alguien podría ayudarme a traducir esto, por favor.
hola todo el mundo, el día de hoy tengo el placer de presentarles éste increible teléfono, es el último modelo de la marca y trae consigo las mejores características del universo, no solo es un teléfono que cuenta con todo lo que cualquier otro teléfono, sino que este trae consigo lo necesario para ser llamado el mejor, posee unas caracteristicas innovadoras, entre ellas tenemos en primer lugar su camara, la camara de éste teléfono aparte de tener 50Megapixeles en HD, posee rayos X, lo que ya le hace único, pero eso no es todo, este maravilloso teléfono trae consigo algo nunca antes visto e innovador en el mundo de la tecnología, y es que es posible ser manejado por la mente de su poseedor, haciendo tal vez el sueño de muchos fans de la tecnología posible, y para finalizar pero no menos importante, olvidate de los lentes molestos, porque este teléfono tiene la capacidad de ajustarse a la vista de cualquier persona, sin importar que afectación se padezca, éste teléfono tiene la capacidad de ajustarse a cada persona, y no solo por su facilidad para la vista sino por cada una de sus características, su tamaño es ideal, es último modelo y sobretodo y muy importante, es bastante económico, accesible para cualquier persona, entonces, que esperas para comprarlo, prometemos no te arrepentirás.
Hello everyone, today I have the pleasure of presenting you this incredible phone, it is the latest model of the brand and brings with it the best features of the universe, not only is it a phone that has everything any other phone, but that this brings with it what is necessary to be called the best, it has some innovative features, among them we have first of all its camera, the camera of this phone apart from having 50 Megapixels in HD, it has X-rays, which already makes it unique, but That's not all, this wonderful phone brings something never before seen and innovative in the world of technology, and it is possible to be managed by the mind of its owner, making perhaps the dream of many fans of technology possible, and finally but not least, forget about the annoying lenses, because this phone has the ability to adjust to the view of any person, regardless of what condition is suffered, this phone It has the ability to adjust to each person, and not only for its ease of sight but for each of its characteristics, its size is ideal, it is the last model and above all and very important, it is quite economical, accessible to anyone, then , what do you expect to buy it, we promise you will not regret it.
Hello everyone, today I have the pleasure of presenting you this incredible phone, it is the latest model of the brand and brings with it the best features of the universe, not only is it a phone that has everything any other phone, but that this brings with it what is necessary to be called the best, it has some innovative features, among them we have first of all its camera, the camera of this phone apart from having 50 Megapixels in HD, it has X-rays, which already makes it unique, but That's not all, this wonderful phone brings something never before seen and innovative in the world of technology, and it is possible to be managed by the mind of its owner, making perhaps the dream of many fans of technology possible, and finally but not least, forget about the annoying lenses, because this phone has the ability to adjust to the view of any person, regardless of what condition is suffered, this phone It has the ability to adjust to each person, and not only for its ease of sight but for each of its characteristics, its size is ideal, it is last model and above all and very important, it is quite economical, accessible to anyone, then , what do you expect to buy it, we promise you will not regret it.