• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alexandercayo2005
  • hace 8 años



Respuesta dada por: LechitaGenio


Lista de 40 Palabras "Adjectives" en Inglés.


  • Acid Ácido
  • Angry Enfadado
  • Asleep Dormido
  • Awake Despierto
  • Bad    Malo
  • Beautiful Precioso
  • Bitter Agrio
  • Bright Brillante
  • Cheap Barato
  • Clean Limpio
  • Clear Claro
  • Cold Frío
  • Cool Fresco
  • Cruel Cruel
  • Deep Profundo
  • Delicate Delicado
  • Different Diferente
  • Dirty Sucio
  • Dry   Seco
  • Early Temprano
  • Exhausted Agotado
  • False           Falso
  • Far Lejos
  • Fat Gordo
  • Feeble Débil
  • Flat Llano
  • Foolish Poco Culto
  • Free Libre
  • Full Lleno
  • Generous Generoso
  • Good Bueno
  • Great Estupendo
  • Handsome Atractivo
  • Happy Feliz
  • Hard Duro
  • Healthy Saludable
  • Heavy Pesado
  • High Alto
  • Hollow Hueco
  • Hot Caliente
Respuesta dada por: asft


The white headphones on the phone are worn.

The broken charger cable was in the car.

The small off button is not visible.

My little brother's favorite cup was lost in the move.

The perfect crime does not exist.

The new bed is not as soft as it seemed.

Simple sentences are recommended for long speeches.

I already delivered the solved examples of today's task.

It's hoa to fix my grandmother's bored apron.

The colorful rainbow left us surprised.

The white roses of the patio are worthy of my mother's delicate care.

Mc Donalds's double hamburger fell heavy on me.

The short book that I must read this week has me very entertaining.

Broken chairs are arranged with this drill.

This notebook is written, will you have a new one?

My father's house is bigger than yours.

The dog my grandparents gave me is cute.

This soda is not cold, would you have another one?

This ancient vase was from my great grandmother.

Your red car is amazing.

Your exam is perfect, congratulations!

The letter of this person is unclear.

The kitchen is already clean, please cook carefully.

For the party I'm going to wear the purple shirt we bought together.

Be careful that this glass cup is very fragile.

Today is a very special day: I married a year ago.

The white tablecloth finished all stained.

This piece of meat is very hard, please bring me another.

The campaign was very transparent. No one reported fraud.

This student is very irresponsible; He never does the homework.

The professional studio monitor works much better than the home monitor.

I'm tired of having to explain everything so many times.

These pants are gray, you have to wash it.

Make me the crispy toast, but try not to burn them.

This pencil is very small, you will lose it.

The chicken came out rich, not like the last time you did.

I'm broke, I lost all the money in the casino.

The small holes of the sheets are to attach them to the folders.

Evaluation accounts were easy.

I think your sister's attitude is irresponsible


Los adjetivos calificativos pertenecen a la categoría de adjetivos descriptivos, y son aquellos adjetivos que expresan una cualidad del sujeto. Por ejemplo: La computadora potente. /El cielo azul. / El planeta enorme.

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