• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Americahhhb
  • hace 8 años

Me pueden ayudar tengo que hacer un texto de lo que haré el fin de semana con verbos en futuro con going to


Respuesta dada por: marperesc


This weekend it's gonna be a fantastic weekend because I'm going to watch a film production of my favorite singer ever. She is Melanie Martinez. After watch her movie, I'm going to eat a delicious burger with my best friend Mary. When I'll come to my house I'm going to do all my homework, this can sounds like something boring but when you loves school, you enjoy it.

My Sunday will be a familiar Sunday, with my family I'm going to my aunt's house and get a typical "parillada". Maybe I will upload some pictures to my Instagram account. Obviously I'm going to sleep after midnight cause my familiar reunions are long and funny.

Ojalá te sirva jaja, podrías cambiar el nombre de la cantante y de tu mejor amix

Respuesta dada por: zakarikorubane


1 Is Freddy going to buy a new car soon?

2 Are John and Pam going to visit Milan when they are in Italy?

3 I think Nigel and Mary are going to have a party next week.

4 We are going to have dinner together tomorrow.

5 Aren't you going to stay at the library until your report is finished?


aqui tienes 5 respuestas una para cada estrella puedes alludarme tu también dando me estrella

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