• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gal1leo
  • hace 8 años

superlatives y comparatives porfavor .....lo necesito para hoy



Respuesta dada por: Elissekim


1. hotter than

2. The most popular

3. faster than ; the fastest

4. the worst

5. taller than ; the tallest

6. Further

7. Heavier

8. More expensive than

9. The most surpising ; the strangest

10. The coldest

11. The most expert

12. The happiest.

13. The newest ; Latest

14. The best

15. The most graceful

16. more valuable

17. the quietest

18. harder ; less

19. cheaper

20. The most boring

21. Faster

22. The most brilliant

23. more trendy

24. The most comfortable

25. Better than

26. The most interesting

27. more talkative than ; nicer

28. The most charming ; funniest

29. more crowded than

30. The most difficult


• The comparative form of an adjective is commonly used to compare two people, things, or states, when you want to say that one thing has a larger or smaller amount of a quality than another.

∆ If the second part of the comparison is mentioned it follows than.


- Anna is taller than Mary but Mary is older.

- Emma is much slimmer than when I last saw her.

∆ Comparison in which you are considering whether two people or things are equal is shown by using as…as in the affirmative and not as…as or not so…as in the negative.


- Helen is as tall as Linda, but not as strong.

• The superlative form is used for more than two people, things, or states, when one thing has qualities that exceed all the others.

∆ Superlative adjectives have the in front of them, but it can be omitted in predicative positions.


That is the smallest camera I have ever seen.

He gave the least expensive gift to his sister.

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