• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 1a2l3e
  • hace 10 años

10 oraciones con positivo, interrogativa y negativa


Respuesta dada por: stefyrm

1. do you speak english?
2.  Did you like the presentation?
3.  Are you shure?
4.  Are you agree with that desition?
5.  Am i inteligent? 


1. I'm playing with my dog in the back jard
2. We are studying in England
3. They study in Oxford University 
4. I like to dance break dance
5. I want a ice cream of chocolate


1. I don't like when a person is screaming me
2. I'm not at home
3. I can't go to my cousin's party
4. My mother don't let me go
5. I'm not shure if the homework is well 

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