ExplicaWait outside. (Espera afuera)
Come back later. (Regresa más tarde)
Sit there. (Siéntate allí)
Leave the bags there. (Deja las bolsas allí)
Let me talk with her. (Déjame hablar con ella)
Tell him about it. (Dígale al respecto)
Open the door. (Abra la puerta)
Close the door. (Cierre la puerta)
Send me money. (Envíame dinero)
Turn on the light. (Enciende la luz)
Call me tomorrow. (Llámame mañana)
Take off your jacket. (Quítate la chaqueta)
Pick up the newspaper. (Recoge el periódico)
Do it again. (Hazlo otra vez)
Be careful. (Ten cuidado)
Don’t take long! (¡No tardes mucho!)ción:
1:wait outside
2:come black later
3:sit there
4:leave the bags there
5:Let me talk with her
6: Tello him about ir
7:open the Door
8:close the Door
9:send me Money
10:turn on the light
11:calle me tomorrow
12:take off tour jacket
13:pick up the newspaper
14:do ir again
15: be careful
16: don't take long
17:do nota be shy
18:don't ir again
19:stay where i can see you
20:don't touch that, it's hot
espero que te ayude wey bna suerte