• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valeriadricr
  • hace 8 años

10 oraciones empleando el verbo to be y da place

tinaguevara10: Verb to be and that place?
valeriadricr: sii
valeriadricr: porfa


Respuesta dada por: tinaguevara10


My science book is in that place. (Is on the table

My mom and her friend are in that place ( is behind me)

My dog is in that place (Is right there)

The teachers are in that place (are across street)

My sister Is in that place (Is in a party)

My parents are in that place ( are in their jobs)

The pencil Is in that place (Is under the bed)

The wall is in that place (Is in front of you)

The airplanes are in that place ( are over your head)

The restaurant is in that place (Is turn de left)

Lo hice con solo "in that place" por si así era o entre el paréntesis está un sustituto que sería una respuesta más completa, en caso de que sea de la segunda manera solo tienes que quitar "that place" y colocar el complemento del paréntesis.

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