• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jessicadennisse
  • hace 8 años

1. Complete the sentences with the present simple of the verbs in parentheses.
a. They _______ (be) hungry.
b. I ________ (be) a good student.
c. ________ she (be) a teacher?
d. ______ they Chinese
e. He always ________ (walk) to school.
f. She doesn´t ________ (cooK) for to her son.
g. She _______ (read) the newspaper every day.
h. I don´t ______ (speak) French.
i. She ________ (study) for her English exam.
j. He ________ (play ) the piano every .

2. Read the following text carefully.

It´s a rainy Saturday. It´s raining a lot and Susan and her family are spending the afternoon at home.Her uncles are visiting them.
Susan and her father are in the living room. Susan is making a draw and her father, Mr. Brown, is surfing the net. They are also talking. Susan´s older brother, Peter, is in his bedroom playing computer games. He is a computer fanatic and he spends much time playing on the computer. His little brother, Jim, is also in the living room. He is playing with his dinosaurs´ collection. Sometimes he teases Mary. He is a really naughty boy.
Susan´s mother, Mrs.Brown, is in the kitchen preparing a snack for all them. She is making some tea and talking to Susan´s uncles – Lucy and Tom . They are from the nearest town and stopped by to say hello.
Fluffy, the family cat, is sleeping on the kitchen´s sofa. We can´t see him in the picture, but he is a true fluffy cat.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. What day of the week is it?_______________________________________________________
2. Where is Susan? _______________________________________________________________
3. What is she doing?______________________________________________________________
4. What is Mrs. Brown doing?_______________________________________________________
5. Is Mrs. Brown preparing a snack in the kitchen? _____________________________________
6. What is Fluffy, the cat, doing? ____________________________________________________
7. Are you in the kitchen?__________________________________________________________

andysoto19: 2.
1: it’s Saturday
2: Susan is in the living room
3: Susan is making a draw
4: Mr. Brown is surfing in the net.
5: yes, it is.
6: the cat is sleeping on the kitchen’s sofa
7 y pues ahí pregunta si estás en la cocina “tu”


Respuesta dada por: brianbozam




mi nombre el pedro lopez, tengo 16 años.

primeramente, traducelo y me lo mandas por cualquieeeeeer red social q pienses, y me lo mandas personalmente,si me lo manda, si me da toooooodo el tiempo para resolverlo, te lo resuelvo

espero haberte ayudado ;)))))))))))))))))))

Respuesta dada por: andysoto19
1. B) “be” pasa igual porque es primera persona
F) “cook” pasa igual porque usas el auxiliar antes
H) “speak”
I) “studies”
J) “plays”
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