• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: galcivar8505
  • hace 8 años

necesito una historia con estos verbos can, could , may , might , must

juanesteban245: pero necesitas con dibujos o con palabras
galcivar8505: Necesito una historia con estos verbos can, could , may , might , must
galcivar8505: con palabras
juanesteban245: con palabara
juanesteban245: necesita largo o corto
galcivar8505: corto
juanesteban245: bueno
galcivar8505: hola q tiempo esta
galcivar8505: mm
galcivar8505: porfa


Respuesta dada por: camiiii23

Hi everyone! today i will tell you all what i have seen in the zoo yesterday! i come with my mom, it was so amazing! Its so cool to know that monkeys *can* climb, i thinked they *could* fly, but they can't. I have seen many lions, and they *may* run so fast! But in the group of lions, there is one that is the king, and you *must* do all what he wants if you dont wanna die! O thinked that i *might* be a monkey, because i love climbing trees and mountains!

Well, thats all my story bye!

Respuesta dada por: grecianoamy2010


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no lo se

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