• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alinmolina1998
  • hace 8 años

complete using the verb to be and write negative and interrogative form.

1. Ho my father.
2. Monica in the school.
3. You in the park.
4. Ray and Carlos doctors.
5. The car blue.
6. I with the doctor.
7. Samuel and I in the restaurant.
8. Miguel Bose a singe​


Respuesta dada por: Tomich09


1 ho is my father

2 monica is in the school

3 you are in the park

4 Ray and Carlos are doctors

5 the car is blue

6 I am with the doctor

7 Samuel and I are in the restaurant

8 miguel bose is a singe

alinmolina1998: amigo faltaron en negativas y en forma de interrogación
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