• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pcchip
  • hace 8 años

I'm not sure what _______ .

are they wanted?

they want

do they want

do they want?

No responder(1.00 puntos)
Mark the correct answer

Although he felt very_______, he smiled _________

angrily, the friendlier

angry, in a friendly way.

angry, friendly

angrily, friendly

No responder(1.00 puntos)
Mark the correct answer

She's an old friend-I _____ her ____ years.

know, since

've known, since

've known, for

know, for

No responder(1.00 puntos)
Mark the correct answer

_________Gloria last week?

Were you seeing

Did you see

Had you seen

Have you seen

No responder(1.00 puntos)
Mark the correct answer

There's the man _______ took your coat.





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Mark the correct answer

You can't eat very long without _______ .


you eat

to eat


No responder(1.00 puntos)
Mark the correct answer

Her parents don't want _______ married.

that she gets

her get

her to get

that she get

No responder(1.00 puntos)
Mark the correct answer

I went to London _______ clothes.

to buy

for to buy

for buy

for buying

No responder(1.00 puntos)
Mark the correct answer

If you ______ me, I _________ in real trouble last year.

hadn't helped,would be

hadn't helped, would have been

didn't help, would be

didn't help, would have been

No responder(1.00 puntos)


Respuesta dada por: juankbiker


1. I'm not sure what ____they want ___ .

are they wanted?

they want

do they want

do they want?

No responder(1.00 puntos)

Mark the correct answer

Although he felt very___angry____, he smiled ____in a friendly way. _____

angrily, the friendlier

angry, in a friendly way.

angry, friendly

angrily, friendly

No responder(1.00 puntos)

Mark the correct answer

She's an old friend-I __know___ her __for__ years.

know, since

've known, since

've known, for

know, for

No responder(1.00 puntos)

Mark the correct answer

____Did you see_____Gloria last week?

Were you seeing

Did you see

Had you seen

Have you seen

No responder(1.00 puntos)

Mark the correct answer

There's the man ___who____ took your coat.





No responder(1.00 puntos)

Mark the correct answer

You can't eat very long without ___eating____ .


you eat

to eat


No responder(1.00 puntos)

Mark the correct answer

Her parents don't want __that she gets _____ married.

that she gets

her get


her to get

that she get

No responder(1.00 puntos)

Mark the correct answer

I went to London ___for buying ____ clothes.

to buy

for to buy

for buy

for buying

No responder(1.00 puntos)

Mark the correct answer

If you __hadn't helped ___ me, I ___would have been___ in real trouble last year.

hadn't helped,would be

hadn't helped, would have been

didn't help, would be

didn't help, would have been


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