Social dances are the dances that represent a comunity with respect to their customs, beliefs or myths, which develop over time and in a given space, with different conditions, arise from a deep physical need to create a language through of which people can communicate with each other without words.
Las danzas sociales son aquellas que dan a conocer a un pueblo relacionándolos con sus costumbres, mitos y creencias, que se generan con el tiempo y en un espacio definido, con distintas condiciones y de una necesidad física para crear un lenguaje en donde las personas logren comunicarse hacia a la otra sin que se utilicen las palabras.
Social dances are those that make people known by relating them to their customs, myths and beliefs, which are generated over time and in a defined space, with different conditions and of a physical need to create a language where people achieve communicate to each other without the words being used.