• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: xi197437
  • hace 8 años

1. Leer la oración y escribir nuevamente utilizando el pronombre personal que aparece en el paréntesis. (Presente simple).

I. I go to school at 8 o’clock. (He)
II. We play basketball on Saturdays. (Tim)
III. I watch TV in the afternoon. (She)
IV. They visit their friends in the afternoons.(My mom)
V. I have dinner at 7.30 (He)
VI. My mother gets up very early. (They)
VII. My brother does his homework in the evening. (I)
VIII. She cleans the house after lunch. (We)
IX. My mother does the shopping in the afternoon. (They)
X. My brother brushes his teeth before bed. (I) ___________________________________


Respuesta dada por: acxelaleman10

he goes to school at 8 oclok

Tim, de plays. basketball on saturdays

she watches tv in the afternoon

my mom and they visitt their Friends in the afternoon

he has dinner at 7:30

they get up very early

I do my home work in the evening

we clean the house after lunch

they do the shopping in the afternon

I brush muy teeth before bed

Respuesta dada por: vaaphann

*Recuerda, en presente simple cuando se refiere a terceras personas debes agregar ‘s’ o ‘es’, según el caso, a los verbos.

* Recuerda que Does es solamente para terceros.

He goes to school at 8 o'clock.

Tim plays basketball on Saturday.

She watches TV in the afternoon.

My mom visits her friends in the afternoon.

He has dinner at 7:30.

They gets up very early.

I do my homework in the evening.

We cleans the house after lunch.

They do the shopping in the afternoon.

I brush my teeth before bed.

acxelaleman10: they do the shopping in the afternoon
acxelaleman10: yo tamb rectifique en la dos
vaaphann: ¡Me confundí! Ya lo arregle, gracias. Does es solo para terceras personas, “she, it, he”
acxelaleman10: en efecto ;)
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