• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: fussyskuks1234
  • hace 8 años

Oigan ocupo 110 preguntas de inglés 10 de must 10 de can permission de past simple, de how much, how Many y las demás que ustedes quieran plox, pero rápido


Respuesta dada por: daniela12066

Con must

* must she be back by noon ?

* must you always be late ?

* must she talk is much ?

* must you swim in the river ?

* must he have money ?

* must you perform your duty?

* must you study hard ?

* must you go by plane ?

* must we be in the meeting next week ?

* must it rain this evening ?

Respuesta dada por: mateo132007


-You must clean your room

-I must save your life

-She must get a haircut

-He must play outside

-They must lend that ball

-We must help our country

-I must do my homework

-You must asnwer his question

-She must pass the ball

-You must know the subject


-I can solve a Rubik cube

-Can you pass me your pencil?

-She cant jump very high

-He can swim very well

-Can they win the job?

-I cant sing right

-You cant eat lactose

-Can he dance well?

-She cant hear me

-Can we split up?

How much, How many:

-How many apples can you carry?

-I don't drink much coffee

-I spend much time studying Math

-You and he have many things in common

-There are many students in my class

-There won’t be much oil in the world

-There isn’t much milk in the fridge

-I mentioned it to you many times

-I had been working in that firm for many years

-There are many men working in the street

fussyskuks1234: me ser viste de mucha ayuda :D, se que me ayudaste en la anterior pero aona si te dedicas a ayudar, gracias por tu apoyo <3
camila43686: a mi tambien me sirve esta respuesta?
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