Cristobal Colon Biography - 310b. The year of 1451 was born in Genoa (Italy) Christopher Columbus, son of the wool carder Doménico Colombo and Susana Fontanarossa. His family was a weaving tradition and maintained a workshop in the lower part of the city.
In those years he began to dream of a sea route to China across the Atlantic Ocean, believing it was a "narrow sea."
In 1492 he got the help of Queen Isabel de Castilla. After signing the Capitulation of Santa Fe (April 17, 1492), he undertook his first trip. On October 12, 1492, he arrived at Guanahaní Island and called it San Salvador. He also explored Cuba (Juana) and Santo Domingo (La Española). Then he returned to Spain believing he had reached islands near the Asian continent.
He made three more expeditions: on his second trip he explored the Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico and Jamaica; in the third he discovered the island Trinidad and Venezuela; in the fourth it bordered Central America.
Until the end of his days Christopher Columbus believed he had arrived in Asia. He died in Valladolid in 1506, not knowing that he had discovered a new continent (America).