• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maikisack
  • hace 8 años

necesito un texto de 10 lineas con el futuro will y con will not en ingles gracias


Respuesta dada por: YLUMINATHY


Tonight i will go to a party. I will enjoy so much! because i will see all my friends that  

i'm not seeing since a long time. Just right now I will go to a store to buy the perfect  

dress for me, I want to look wonderful tonight. I will tell to my cousin, maybe she'd like  

to go with me. I'm sure we will have a great time together. Maybe my parents will be angry  

because also today is my mother's birthday and they want me to have a dinner together at  

home, but I will give her a beautiful gift and I will tell her how much I love her and I will try to  

explain why I'm not going to be with them tonight. I'm so exited!, I will buy a red dress, I hope  

I can find the perfect one, I will wear it with a big pleassure. I think I will ask to my brother to  

join me as well. I'm sure he will get so much fun. I will call my cousin just right now to invite  

her and maybe she can go by taxi and join us there.  

Bueno, espero te sirva de ayuda. Saludos y buena suerte!☺♥


Respuesta dada por: katire018000


My dad is picking me up in an hour and I will stay at his place for the weekend, with my sister, little brother, stephmother and dog. On Monday we will all leave for a trip to New York where we will stay for a week, my grandparents will also be there. When I come back home I will go to my other grandparents to celebrate my grandpa's birthday. I will be studying for my final exams during that week, which means that I will not play any games, or I will not even come online. After this week I will have my final exams, during two weeks. I will see the results a week later. If I pass my exams I will study Graphic Design. Right now, I am just really stressed, and I will be stressed till this is all over. 

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