• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: MarianaAAAAAAA
  • hace 8 años

someone can explain this to me?

Write down the regular and irregular plural forms of the nouns.

a mouse nine
a fox five
a wolf eight
a child three
a fly six
a glass four
a knife five
a day three
a man two
a player eight
a boy eleven
a family twelve
an orange seven
a strawberry six
a monkey three
a kiss two
a brush four
a box ten
a city three
an apple five


Respuesta dada por: wgtz33


nine mice

five foxes

eight wolves

three children

six flies

four glasses

five knives

three days

two men

eight players

eleven boys

twelve families

seven oranges

six strawberries

three monkeys

two kisses

four brushes

ten boxes

three cities

five apples


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