• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Emergencias1
  • hace 8 años

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Qué es?
Es un profesional con destrezas y actitudes que le permiten adaptarse a nuevas situaciones y trasferir sus conocimientos sobre la administración del proceso de comercialización de productos y servicios, así como del desarrollo e implementación de planes estratégicos de mercadotecnia, esto con la intención de contribuir en la competitividad y posicionamiento nacional e internacional de las organizaciones donde se desempeñe.
Por qué?
Elegí esta carrera porque creo que es muy interesante saber cómo funciona la estructura de una empresa o el proceso de un producto también porque cuenta con la materia de publicidad que era algo que me interesa mucho.
Cinematografía o Ciencias de la comunicación
Cinematografía en una escuela de Veracruz o Ciencias de la comunicación en la UDL aun que si entre a la UDL pero no en Ciencias de la comunicación sino en Arquitectura.
Estas carreras eran algo que yo quería estudiar porque me gusta mucho todo lo que involucre a la televisión, las historias y el drama.
Me parece muy interesante todo lo que los productores, directores, guionistas, etc. logran para poder darnos una buena toma o una buena historia.
Al final no pude estudiar ninguna de esas ya que en ese tiempo no trabajaba y no tenía dinero para ayudar a pagar los gastos de la carrera y porque toda la gente me asustaba diciendo “Y si estudias eso de que vas a vivir” y pues tuve miedo así que después decidí estudiar desarrollo de negocios.


Respuesta dada por: alissonclaudio


What is it?

He is a professional with skills and attitudes that allow him to adapt to new situations and transfer his knowledge about the administration of the process of marketing products and services, as well as the development and implementation of strategic marketing plans, this with the intention of contributing to the Competitiveness and national and international positioning of the organizations where it works.



I chose this career because I think it is very interesting to know how the structure of a company or the process of a product works also because it has the subject of advertising that was something that interests me a lot.

Cinematography or Communication Sciences

Cinematography in a school of Veracruz or Communication Sciences in the UDL even if it enters the UDL but not in Communication Sciences but in Architecture.

These careers were something I wanted to study because I really like everything that involves television, stories and drama.

I find very interesting everything that producers, directors, screenwriters, etc. They manage to give us a good take or a good story.

In the end I could not study any of those because at that time I did not work and had no money to help pay for the expenses of the race and because all the people scared me by saying “And if you study what you are going to live” and then I had fear so then I decided to study business development.


Respuesta dada por: AlbertEinsteinAE


What is it?

He is a professional with skills and attitudes that allow him to adapt to new situations and transfer his knowledge about the administration of the process of marketing products and services, as well as the development and implementation of strategic marketing plans, this with the intention of contributing to the Competitiveness and national and international positioning of the organizations where it works.



I chose this career because I think it is very interesting to know how the structure of a company or the process of a product works also because it has the subject of advertising that was something that interests me a lot.

Cinematography or Communication Sciences

Cinematography in a school of Veracruz or Communication Sciences in the UDL even if it enters the UDL but not in Communication Sciences but in Architecture.

These careers were something I wanted to study because I really like everything that involves television, stories and drama.

I find very interesting everything that producers, directors, screenwriters, etc. They manage to give us a good take or a good story.

In the end I could not study any of those because at that time I did not work and had no money to help pay for the expenses of the race and because all the people scared me by saying “And if you study what you are going to live” and then I had fear so then I decided to study business development.

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