• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dayannabsm30
  • hace 8 años

Rewrite the sentences using the superlative.
1. Our classroom is larger than the other classrooms in the school.
2. My little brother is younger than the other kids in his kindergarten.
3. The hot chocolate is more expensive than the other drinks in the restaurant.
4. Monday is busier than the other days in school.
5. March is wetter than the other months.
6. The stormtrooper costume is better than the other costumes.


Respuesta dada por: auxcm


1. Our classroom is the largest in the school.

2. My little brother is the youngest in his kindergarten.

3. The hot chocolate is the most expensive  drink in the restaurant.

4. Monday is the busiest day  in school.

5. March is the wettest month.

6. The stormtrooper costume is the best costume.


Adjective  Comparative             Superlative

                         ___er than          the ___est  

large                 larger               largest

young               younger            youngest

expensive More expensive   Most expensive

busy                  busier                busiest

wet                          wetter                wettest

good                       better                   best

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