• Asignatura: Arte
  • Autor: brisacr4
  • hace 8 años

redacción de 200/210 palabras en ingles y que incluya diferentes tiempos verbales


Respuesta dada por: amykaroline1997




yesterday I went to the park,I was playing basketball with my friend ,and suddenly I hit my friend accidentally ,he had a lot of pain and I didn’ Knew what to do ,I was so scared ,things got worse ,he start crying I called his mom because he had a big headache. His mom came in few minutes and take him to the hospital, the doctor tell them that the blow he received was strong ,but did’nt make a harm to worry about ,in a few days he could leave the hospital ,but have to make a recover for a week ,I feel guilty but relieved that it wasn’t something stronger. I promise to him that next time I would be more careful and he forgive me

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