• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Kren290
  • hace 8 años

Comletar las siguiente oracion con pasado simple o continuo:
1. we ________ (find) the keys we ______________ ( look) for yesterday.
2. The car _____ (crachs) against the wall and lot of people _______ (come) round.
3. ________ it_______ (rain) when you left for school? Yes, it_____ quite heavily.
4. It ______ (be) a quite morning: the birds_____ (sing) in the trees and cows ________ eat) We______(walk) happily when a terrible storm ________( start) 1000 ms away from us.
5. The wind ____(blow) a big tree down and black cloud ______(appear) in the sky.
6. we_____( can´t) hear you because we ______(sing) in the music classroom.
7. The police ____- ( dicover) that a criminal gang (buy) luxury cars with stolen creditr cards and_______ (organize) an incredible aperation to stop them.



Respuesta dada por: dayispg1910


1.  found looking  

2.  crashed   came  

3.  rained raining

4. was singing  walking started

5. blowed appeared

6. can not  sing ( no cambia ya que la frase quedaria mal )

7. discovered buy organized

ya amig@ eso es todo espero te sirva

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