• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariaestefaniaariasf
  • hace 8 años

Me ayudan porfavor:
Fill in the gaps with the Past Perfect of the verbs given.
1. When I got to the station, the train---------------------- [already / leave].
2. Before I lost my wallet I -------------------- [lose] my umbrella.
3. By the time the doctor arrived, the patient ------------------------- [die].
4. When Anna phoned, I -------------------------[leave] to work.
5. Before Sara crossed the road, she ------------------------ [look] both ways.
6. Before I had a driving license, I ------------------------- [have] a driving test.
7. Before he ------------------------- [fill] in the application form, he looked for job
offers in the newspaper.
8. When I looked up, the burglar ------------------------- [go]
9. When the police arrived, the riots ------------------------- [stop].
10. After we -------------------------- [reach] an agreement, we shacked hands


Respuesta dada por: manucarnise31


1)Had already leave

2) Have lost

3) have already died

5) looked

6) Had

10) Reached


El past perfect es un tiempo en ingles el cual se utiliza para señalar un evento que ocurrió antes que otro en el pasado.

Ademas, cuando te dice "fill in the gaps with the verb given" tenes que buscar el verbo en la lista de verbos, si es irregular o regular.

Espero que te sirva, algunas no las pude responder dado a que no estoy muy familiarizado con este tiempo. Gracias

mariaestefaniaariasf: Muchisimas Gracias :D
Respuesta dada por: rudaguna


1. Had already left

2. Had Lost

3. Had died

4. Had left

5. Had looked

6. Had had

7. Had filled

8. Had gone

9. Had stopped

10. Had reached.

Eso ya sería todo.

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