• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andrestipandiapcp5mi
  • hace 8 años

Ayuda por favor
Hay que completar las oraciones con el 1er condicional y 2 condicional

1 What would your company do if your competitors (drop)!
their prices?
2. If l (need)!
any more details, I will contact you.
3. What (you/do)
if there was a fire in the building - jump from the window?
4. We (miss)
the plane if there's a lot of traffic on the roads.
5. I'm sure he'll find a new job soon if he (keep)
6. You (must / have to)
pass the entrance exam if you want to
study at this university,
7. If I know)
enough about computers I would try to mend my PC myself,
8. I'm sure he'll call us pretty soon if he (have)
any questions.
9. You (not/nead)
your car if you get the job - the salary package includes a car.
10 I (not/accept)
the offer ifl were you. I think you could find something


Respuesta dada por: gabyguqui


1. What would your company do if your competitors dropped their prices?

2. If I need any more details, I will contact you.

3. What would you do if there was a fire in the building - jump from the window?

4. We miss a plane if there's a lot of traffic on the roads.

5. I'm sure he'll find a new job soon if he keeps looking.

6. You must pass the entrance exam If you want to study at this university.

7. If I knew enough about computers, I would try to mend my PC myself.

8. I'm sure he'll call us pretty soon if he has any questions.

9. You won't need you car if you get the job - the salary package includes a car.

10. I would not accept the offer if I were you. I think you could find something better.


Recuerda la siguientes estructuras

Para el primer condicional

If+ Sujeto+ verbo en presente simple+ complemento+ sujeto+ will+ verbo en su forma infinitiva.

Para el segundo condicional

If+ sujeto+ verbo en pasado simple+ complento+ sujeto+ would+ verbo en su forma infinitiva.

*ten cuidado con el to be aquí

-If I were in your house, we would go...

-If she were in the park, she would play...

andrestipandiapcp5mi: muchas gracias
gabyguqui: de nada!
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