• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: leonnoemi51
  • hace 8 años

5 oraciones con primer condicional con positivas,negativas y interrogativas ! Por favor necesito


Respuesta dada por: diegopeinado

Respuesta: if we leave, she will fall asleep/If we leave, she won't fall asleep/will she fall asleep if we leave?

if i go with you, you will play/if i go with you, you won't play/will you play if I go with you?

if i go for the candies, you will stay/i go for the candies, you won't stay/Will you stay up if i go for the candies?

if I go,you will stay up/if I go, you won't stay up/Will you stay up if I go?

If you’re in a hurry, I’ll take care of it/if you're in hurry, I won't take care of it/Will I take care of it, if you're in hurry?

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