• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Emergencias1
  • hace 8 años

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Igualdad de género

Hoy en día la igualdad de género es un tema muy importante que de un tiempo para acá a sonado mucho en todas las áreas,sobre todo en área laboral.
Esto porque la mayor desigualdad de género se concentra en el ámbito laboral,ya que en México aún existe un pequeño porcentaje de mexicanos que consideran que las mujeres no somos capases de ocupar algún cargo importante,ya sea porque no contamos con las habilidades o los conocimientos pero esto es una gran mentira ya que las mujeres tiene el mismo conocimiento y las mismas habilidades que los hombres.
Otro factor que también influye a este caso es el tipo de cultura que tenemos en México, la cual es una cultura machista, una cultura donde desde décadas atrás siempre se le dijo a la mujer que el hombre era mejor,que el hombre tenia más derechos solo por se hombre y ese pensamiento lo seguimos arrastrando y lamentablemente también lo estamos heredando a las nuevas generaciones, lo cual me parece que es un paso a reas para la evolución de ser humano.
El avance en la igualdad de género se empezó a ser notoria cuando todas y cada una de paso mujeres lucharon para tener voz y voto y así fue la mujer pudo participar en la política a través del voto.
Pero aquí en México a diferencia de otros países que su porcentaje de igualdad de género es mayor, a léxico todavía le falta mucho camino para alcanzar a ser un país reconocido en la igualdad de género.
Podemos lograrlo solo tenemos que vivirlo, porque para luchar contra el racismo no se necesita ser negro pero parece que para luchar por la igualdad de género si tienes que se mujer.


Respuesta dada por: valeemejia83


Gender equality

Nowadays, gender equality is a very important issue that from time to time has sounded a lot in all areas, especially in the labor area.

This is because the greatest gender inequality is concentrated in the workplace, since in Mexico there is still a small percentage of Mexicans who believe that women are not capable of occupying any important position, either because we do not have the skills or knowledge

But this is a big lie since women have the same knowledge and the same skills as men.

Another factor that also influences this case is the type of culture we have in Mexico, which is a macho culture, a culture where for decades women were always told that men were better, that men had more rights

Only for man and that thought we keep dragging and unfortunately we are also inheriting it to the new generations, which I think is a step to areas for the evolution of human being.

The advance in gender equality began to be notorious when each and every step women fought to have a voice and vote and thus was the woman could participate in politics through the vote. But here in Mexico, unlike other countries, their percentage of gender equality is higher, the lexicon still has a long way to go to become a recognized country in gender equality. We can achieve it we just have to live it, because to fight against racism you do not need to be black but it seems that to fight for gender equality if you have to be a woman.

Respuesta dada por: Dude18


Gender equality  

Nowadays gender equality is a very important issue that from a time to here to sounded a lot in all areas, especially in work area.

This is because the greatest gender inequality is concentrated in the workplace, since in Mexico there is still a small percentage of Mexicans who consider that women are not layers of some important position, either because we do not have the skills or the knowledge but this is a big lie as women have the same knowledge and skills as men.  

Another factor that also influences this case is the kind of culture that we have in Mexico, which is a macho culture, a culture where from decades ago the woman was always told that the man was better, that the man had more rights just for being man and that pensamie We continue to drag it and unfortunately we are also inheriting it from the new generations, which Seems to me to be a step for the evolution of human beings.

The advancement in gender equality became noticeable when each and every one of the women struggled to have a voice and vote and so was the woman was able to participate in politics through the vote.

But here in Mexico unlike other countries that its percentage of gender equality is higher, the lexicon still lacks a long way to become a recognized country in gender equality.  

We can achieve it we only have to live it, because to fight racism you don't need to be black but it seems that to fight for gender equality if you have to be a woman.


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