• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Kevin1549
  • hace 8 años

oraciones con can unas 7 diferentes porfa


Respuesta dada por: Surxs


She can take the children with her to Houston.

He can lend us the money which we need.

She can be back by noon. ...

She can return later. ...

You can learn at least five new words every day.

You can call her tomorrow.

You can see her tomorrow.

She can try to finish her projects on time.


Respuesta dada por: juankbiker


1. I can clean  my new lamp  

2. You can use black gloves

3. Sarah can have blue eyes  

4. A baby can cry  

5. My grandma can kill the pigs  

6. My aunt can use  the new bridge  

7. They can swim well  

8. My cat can eat nuggets  

9. The farmer can  cook the carrots

10. You can give me the money


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