necesito un texto mas o menos corto de un viaje en tren en inglés, que tenga una introducción un conflicto y un desenlace, ES PARA MAÑANA ayuda por favor, no se me ocurre nada
Hello,my name is Lisa, I traveled by train until I realized that I did not have of my purses, I started looking and they had stolen me, until I called the manager and they found him in a seat because I had previously sat in another place but they took me out because that was noy my place
espero que te sirva ya que se da facil ingles e inventar historias xd
yo fui al tren Y me encontré con un montón de pasajeros que no se movian. Por un momento pense que era una broma, pero estaba en una escena del crimen. Me hanian usado como sospechosa. Luego de eso, se encontraron en otra cabina pasajeros muertos. Empezaron a alejarse de mi como si yo los ubiese matado, y al querer admitir que yo era inocente termine diciendo que fui yo la que los mato. Lo raro de todo era que el Conductor nunca aparecio. Luego de unas horas, el tren frenó, y de una cabina se empezaron a escuchar gritos. Al entrar, vimos al conductor. Despues de varios minutos, desperté, habia sido un sueño.
im going to the train And I found a lot of passengers that did not move. For a moment I thought it was a joke, but I was at a crime scene. They had used me as a suspect. After that, dead passengers were found in another cabin. They began to move away from me as if I had killed them, and when I wanted to admit that I was innocent, I ended up saying that I was the one who killed them. The strange thing of all was that the Driver never showed up. After a few hours, the train braked, and from a cabin began to hear screams. Upon entering, we saw the driver. After several minutes, I woke up, it had been a dream.