• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: aylin17pk
  • hace 8 años

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Respuesta dada por: steve031806


In March 1999, thieves stole (steal) diamonds jewellery from Woolworth, a famous jewellery shop in Boston. The thieves were very smart. Before the robbery, they hid (hide)

in the building next door and cut (cut) a hole through the wall.

They used it to get into the shop. By the time the guard at the entrance saw (see) them, they already had taken (already/take) the very expensive jewellery from the safe.

A man from the neighborhood heard (hear) some noises in the shop and he ¿called (call)? the police but when they arrived (arrive) to the shop, the thieves escaped (escape)


No sé la parte que no se vé asi que supongo que es eso de la parte de 'called (call)' y espero que te sirva

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