• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Humano1154
  • hace 8 años

10 oraciones con "use to"
10 oraciones con "would"


Respuesta dada por: JoaquinSanVargas

Oraciones con Would

  1. I would like to play tennis on Sundays
  2. If you come with that mask, John would start crying
  3. Paul and Max would always choose the most exotic vacation destinations
  4. He promised he would send cards every week
  5. I would never go to that city
  6. Would you turn off the lights when you leave?
  7. They say they would help you, they will do.
  8. Would you like broccoli for a side order?
  9. If I had found his wallet, he would have paid for the salad
  10. As a child, she would always miss school

Oraciones con Used to

  1. We used to be very good friends. / Solíamos ser muy buenos amigos.
  2. She used to paint when she was a student. / Ella solía pintar cuando era una estudiante.
  3. The team used to be united. / El equipo solía estar unido.
  4. We used to visit my grandmother every Sunday. / Solíamos visitor a mi abuela todos los domingos.
  5. This used to be a supermarket. / Esto solía ser un supermercado.
  6. The car used to work perfectly. / El coche solía funcionar perfectamente.
  7. Did you use to play golf? / ¿Solías jugar al golf?
  8. He didn’t use to listen to music when we were friends. / No solía escuchar música cuando éramos amigos.
  9. We didn’t use to have cats when I was a child. / No solíamos tener gatos cuando yo era un niño.
  10. They used to go swimming every day.
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