• Asignatura: Castellano
  • Autor: Llally
  • hace 8 años

extraiga de este texto una cita textual y una no textual. elabore la bibliografía con estos datos: Don Quijote de la Mancha,I, de Miguel de Cervantes, Barcelona, editorial Edebé, 2005 xfavor ayuden y gracias


Respuesta dada por: nikollrioscardenaz40


Descripción Grupo EDEBÉ, 2004. Condición: New. We dont know exactly when Miguel de Cervantes began to write Don Quixote though it is likely it was being prepared in 1597, when the writer spent some time in prison in Seville. The plot of El Quijote is really simple: a noble man without fortune lost completly his mind by reading knight books and believe being himself a Kngiht. Left his house looking for adventures and the first time he such a misfurtune that he ended back home. Nevertheless, Don quijote dont give up and left again the house to look for some adventures, this time accompined by a poor paesant called SanchoPanza. To create his work, Cervantes drew from many sources of inspiration (such as a short, anonymous theatre play entitled the Entremés de los romances, or the epic poem Orlando furioso, by Ludovico Ariosto, etc. ). *** Nota: EL COSTE DE ENVÍO A CANARIAS ES 11.49 EUROS. Si ha realizado un pedido con destino a CANARIAS no podemos hacer el envío con el coste actual. Nos pondremos en contacto con usted para comunicar el coste total del envío a Canarias y si está de acuerdo, Abebooks le efectuará el cargo adicional. Nº de ref. del artículo: 181009


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