• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ainhiova
  • hace 8 años

preguntas y respuestas con was y were 10 preguntas y respuestas por favor​


Respuesta dada por: debhvelasquez


1) Was she still reading when the library closed?

R/ yes, I saw her hiding under a table

2) Were your friends in your house yesterday?

R/, not all of them, the half were at a party

3) Was Danna your first girlfriend?

Yes, until we got married

4) was she  thirsty after workout?

No, she was hungry after workout

5)Were they good friends for many years?

Yes, they were good friends even from now

6)Was he in his office?

No, but I can tell him to call you

7)Was it a good movie?

Yes, the best movie ever

8)Was Marvin a happy child?

No, he suffered a lot in his childhood

9)Was she a good football player?

No, she wasn’t.

10)Was the sky cloudy?

Yes, all day

espero haberte ayudado

Respuesta dada por: lucesitamorochita

Respuesta:holis xd


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