Could you lend me your pen?
Could you come to my office now?
Could you say to Arnold that I am looking for him?
Could he stay for one hour?
Could Peter had done his homework?
Could you go to the gym with me?
Could Marta have been promoted?
Could you stay with Lily today?
Could I have coffee?
Could you say hello to Maria for me?
Could you excuse me, please?
I couldn’t rest more. (Yo no podría descansar más)
We couldn’t write them a letter. (Nosotros no podríamos escribirles una carta)
You couldn’t stay there all summer. (Tú no te podrías quedar allá todo el verano)
I couldn’t work tonight. (Yo no podría trabajar esta noche)
We couldn’t send plans tomorrow. (Nosotros no podríamos enviar los planes mañana)
You couldn’t prepare your work more carefully. (Tú no podrías preparar tu trabajo más cuidadosamente)
We couldn’t stay here at least an hour. (Nosotros no podríamos estar aquí por lo menos una hora)
She couldn’t send it by airmail. (Ella no podría enviarlo por correo aéreo)
The kids couldn’t wear their jackets. (Los niños no podrían usar sus chaquetas)
You couldn’t take this package to the post office. (Tú no podrías llevar este paquete a la oficina de correos)