Present Perfect Tense with Already/Yet
Mrs. Tonner’s School Day Schedule
arrive at school
take attendance;teach French class
meet with the principal
teach Spanish class
write report cards
eat lunch,go for a walk
meet with Joe’s parents
take students to the library
read students’ essays; go home at
Read the schedule above and make 10 sentences using already and yet. Assume it is now 12:00.
Ex. Mrs. Tonner has already taken attendance.
1. She has already arrived at school.
2. She has already taken attendance.
3. She has already taught French class.
4. She has already met with the principal
5. She has already taught the Spanish class
6. She has already written report cards
7. She hasn´t eaten lunch yet
8. She hasn´t gone for a walk yet
9. She hasn´t met with Joe’s parents yet
10. She hasn´t taken students to the library yet
11. She hasn´t read students’ essays yet
Se usa yet y already con el presente perfecto porque están relacionados con el momento presente. Por ejemplo:
- Yet (aún). Toma el significado de 'en cualquier momento hasta ahora'. Lo usamos para enfatizar que esperamos que algo suceda pronto.
- ALready (ya) toma el significado de 'antes de ahora'. Lo usamos para enfatizar que algo sucedió antes que otra cosa o antes de lo esperado.
EL presente perfecto
El presente perfecto se forma a partir del tiempo presente del verbo have y el pasado participio de un verbo.
Usamos el presente perfecto para expresar algo que comenzó en el pasado y continúa en el presente.
Ejemplos de - yet
- Mrs. Tonner has not met with Joe's parents yet.
- Mrs. Tonner hasn't eaten a meal yet.
- Mrs. Tonner hasn't gone for a walk yet.
- Mrs. Tonner hasn't taken the students to the library yet.
- Mrs. Tonner has not read the students' essays yet.
- Mrs. Tonner has not gone home yet.
Ejemplos de - already
- Mrs. Tonner has already arrived at the school.
- Mrs. Tonner has already taken attendance.
- Mrs. Tonner has already taught French class.
- Mrs. Tonner has already met with the principal.
- Mrs. Tonner has already taught the Spanish class.
- Mrs. Tonner has already written the report cards.
aprende sobre el uso del yet y already