El verbo "be" en pasado se usa:
Was: Se usa con los pronombres: I, he, she, it.
Were: Se usa con los pronombres: you, we they.
Aquí hay algunos ejemplos usando "be" en pasado:
1. My father was watching the TV.
2. I was born in Bogota, Colombia.
3. You were in the school.
4. We were sleeping in our bed.
5. She was famous when she was younger.
6. Those cats were walking in the street.
7. He was shouting to his daughter.
8. They were saying about their pet.
9. The cup was in the table, now I can't find it.
10. Heydi was reading a magazine.
Como has podido observar, en:
a) En el ejemplo 1, reemplacé "he" por "my father".
b) En el ejemplo 6, reemplacé "they" por "these cats".
c) En el ejemplo 9, reemplacé "it" por "the cup".
d) En el ejemplo 10, reemplacé "she" por "Heydi".
Esto porque tiene su mismo equivalente, como en el español, y para hacerlo más preciso.