Ayuda necesito que me ayuden a resolver esto lo mas pronto posible gracias aqui les dejo el archivo de word para que me ayuden!!
1. to drive
2. to teach
3. to ring
4. to tell
5. to say
6. to know
7. to give
8. to do
9. to buy
10. to think
11. to sell
12. to break
13. to catch
14. to feel
15. to hit
16. to throw
17. to be
18. to grow
19. to fall
20. to go
21. to make
22. to lose
23. to steal
24. to pay
25. to be
26. to drink
27. to get
28. to swear
29. to have
30. to see
31. to win
32. to stand
33. to wear
34. to cut
35. to draw
36. to eat
37. to leave
38. to sit
39. to take
40. to put
41. to run
42. to hide
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All verbs, whether regular or irregular, have five forms [often called principal parts]. These forms are the infinitive, simple present, simple past, past participle, and present participle.
The difference between a regular and an irregular verb is the formation of the simple past and past participle. Regular verbs are dependably consistent—the simple past ends in ed as does the past participle.
Todos los verbos, ya sean regulares o irregulares, tienen cinco formas [a menudo llamadas partes principales]. Estas formas son el infinitivo, presente simple, pasado simple, participio pasado y participio presente.
La diferencia entre un verbo regular y uno irregular es la formación del pasado simple y el participio pasado. Los verbos regulares son consistentemente confiables: el pasado simple termina como el participio pasado.